
Immigration entails handling financial aspects of cross-border movement, addressing tax implications, regulatory compliance, and financial reporting for clients navigating immigration processes. Accountants play a key role in ensuring fiscal transparency and adherence to requirements during the immigration journey.


Welcome to Mackisen Accounting Firm, your trusted partner in navigating the intricate landscape of the immigration industry. Based in Montreal, we specialize in providing unparalleled CPA and auditor services tailored to the unique financial needs of individuals and businesses venturing into Canada.

Our Commitment to the Immigration Industry: At Mackisen, we understand that the immigration journey is not just a relocation; it’s a financial transition that demands expertise and insight. Our dedicated team of CPAs is committed to offering comprehensive financial solutions designed to empower immigrants and businesses in this dynamic sector.

Expertise in Immigration Finance: Our expertise in immigration finance goes beyond traditional accounting. We delve into the nuances of immigration-related financial challenges, offering a depth of knowledge that sets us apart. Whether you’re an individual seeking seamless tax preparation or a business requiring certified financial statements, Mackisen is your go-to partner.

Services Tailored to Your Needs:

  • Immigrant Tax Services: We specialize in meticulous tax preparations, ensuring newcomers comply with tax regulations and optimize financial benefits.
  • Business Financial Statements: For businesses in the immigration industry, our certified financial statements enhance credibility and transparency, instilling confidence in stakeholders.
  • Comprehensive Financial Guidance: Mackisen goes beyond the numbers, providing newcomers with comprehensive financial planning to navigate the challenges of starting anew in Canada.

Why Choose Mackisen for Your Immigration Financial Needs:

  • Specialized Insight: Benefit from our team’s specialized insight into the intricacies of immigration finance, ensuring your financial strategy aligns with the unique demands of the industry.
  • Tailored Solutions: Mackisen is committed to understanding your specific needs. Our solutions are tailored to address the distinct challenges and goals associated with immigration.
  • Proven Success: With a track record of delivering high-quality services, Mackisen has become a trusted name in the immigration industry. Our success stories speak to our dedication to client satisfaction.
  • Client-Focused Values: Embrace a client-centric approach where clear communication, integrity, and a commitment to value creation define our partnership. Your success is our priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn.